We believe that:
- There is a Creator.
- He is echad.
- He is Spirit.
- He is eternal.
- He alone must be worshiped.
- The prophets are true prophets.
- Moses was the greatest of all the prophets.
- The entire Torah was given to Moses.
- The Torah is eternally true.
- Elohim knows all the acts and thoughts of man.
- He rewards and punishes.
- Messiah will return, and there will be a resurrection.
Explanation of what we believe:
- We believe with perfect faith that the Creator, blessed be His Name, is the Creator of Ruler of all created things. He is over all and in all. To Him belongs the glory forever, Ameyn.
- We believe that the Creator is echad. This term is usually correctly understood to mean “one,” but may sometimes be understood to be a compound unity of more than absolute one, as in Bereshiyt/Genesis 2:24 “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and cleave unto his wife, and they shall be basar echad (one flesh).
- We believe with perfect faith in Messiah Y’shua, the only begotten son, beloved of his Father in Heaven, whom our Heavenly Father raised up to be the Redeemer of Israel and the world as He promised our fathers by His holy prophets for us, and who descended from Heaven for our salvation. He was conceived of the Ruach HaKodesh (Set-Apart Spirit), born of a Jewish virgin, the seed of David, and anointed of the Ruach HaKodesh and with power. He was tempted in all ways as we are, yet without sin. He glorified His Father in Heaven. He bore the reproach of sinners, and was afflicted even unto death on the stake. He was wounded for our transgressions. and bruised for our iniquities. Our Messiah Y’shua rose from the dead after three days and three nights, and now sits on the right hand of our Heavenly Father (Psalm 110: 1, 5).
- We believe with perfect faith that Messiah Y’shua is the Alef and the Tav, the Beginning and the End with the Father, Creator of all things (Revelation 1:8).
- We believe with perfect faith that we pray only to the Father, but in Messiah Y’shua’s Name. Messiah Y’shua is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father, except through Messiah Y’shua.
- We believe with perfect faith that the prophets prophesied of Messiah Y’shua, by Elohim’s foreordained knowledge.
- We believe with perfect faith that the Torah given through Moses is eternal.
- We believe with perfect faith that the whole Torah which we now possess is the same as it was given to Moses (Sh’mot/Exodus 24:4).
- We believe that the Bible, as written by the original writers, is the Word of Elohim (2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 3:16).
- We believe that the Creator knows the hearts and actions of all human beings.
- We believe with perfect faith that the Creator will reward those made righteous by trusting in the atonement purchased for us by Messiah Y’shua’s death on the stake. He will also punish the unrighteous.
- We believe with perfect faith that Messiah Y’shua will return to set up His Kingdom and rule the world (Isaiah 2: 2-4) and that the dead shall be raised, and the righteous shall be changed (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17.